
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Date Night

Sometimes I wonder about people in Vegas, why do they make plans and then ALWAYS cancel ?

Brent and I were supposed to go out with his co-workers last night. So we waited for 8 o'clock to roll and around, we got ready and were about to hit the door when a text message came through "sorry man, everyones canceled". So since we were already spiffed up, we decided to make it a date night.

Buffalo Wild Wings is a hop, skip and a jump from our front door, so feeling up for a mojito and some fried pickles we set out. We made our way to the bar sat down and waited.....and waited...and waited. Finally the bartender asked for our order, "Two mojito's please" Bartender "Oh....sorry we are out of mojito mix"

GRRRRR ! We wanted to eat with friends, that didn't work, we wanted a mojito and they are out. If they didn't have fried pickles I would've walked out and called it a night! Luckily there was one redeeming factor for staying :)

The bartender offered us the drink menue, now guess which drink was mine and which was his :)

I promise your wrong, he had the apple martini, lol

To pass the time, and have some fun we started playing the trivia game. Apparently it was "senior night" at B-Dub's. We might have known the questions if we were born before 1945. Brent said it was "make you feel like a dumbass night" lol I think the "echofactor" just wasn't on his game. (Don't ask me where he comes up with his names) I did get one question right out of about 60. What was the first SUV made by Subaru? Answer: The Forester. Wahoo, point for me!

This is us, high fiving for getting the Subaru question right, lol

Just trying to make the best of it

Brent said "I look like I'm selling newspapers" lol

Easter Weekend

Easter Sunday 2011 was lots of fun. We had our neighbors and their boys over. Justin and Brent hid Easter eggs for the big hunt after dinner.

Veronica made a splendid ham, it was the best! I made sides, green beans, corn, mashed potatoes and chocolate covered strawberries. :)

Of course the kids were on sugar highs after they found all the candy, here's some pictures of the day and a video of Katelyn and her attitude.

Brent ironed and then folded the napkins, our table looked beautiful

Louie told Katelyn he wanted an egg she found, this is her response

Monday, April 25, 2011

Where did she come up with that ?

Here are some funny things Katelyn has said the past few days.

Today;this courtesy of her father

"Tomorrow is PJ day at school and I need to bring a stuffed animal to sleep with, you think you can hook that up Dad?"

When he text this to me I started laughing, the kid should be in movies.

Yesterday at my house

"The other day when I was at Daddy's I picked out a cute outfit for school and I think I was totally rockin it"

She said this with total attitude, it wasn't "rocking it" it was "rockin it"

Finally last night I was trying to help her with the nightly routine of brushing her teeth. I went in to help put the toothpast on so I didn't have to clean the entire counter this morning she says to me;

"Chill mom, I got this"

Oh the joys of having an assertive, spunky, adorable 4 year and 10 month old !

She's my daughter, attitude and all!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wine Night

Just an FYI about German Reisling's

Don't buy anything you see in this picture !

Brent was very thoughtful Thursday night and brought home a wonderful bottle of Reisling. It was so yummy we decided to go buy wine together, a first! We hit Smith's Grocery Store because of convenience. Well, we paid for that convience, 50 bucks and 6 bottles of wine later we realized we'd made a huge mistake. Not one, not two, but 5 bottles of wine were terrible. We took them to our friends house for a "wine tasting" and by the 5th bottle we were all cracking up, I couldn't stop laughing. Talk about an epic fail. Our first clue should've been each bottle was a twist top, lol. Obviously Brent and I were feeling confident since his first pick was so yummy.

Lesson learned, thank goodness our friends had two awesome bottles of Stella Rosa :)

Needless to say we poured our stinky, crappy, bitter wine down the drain.

Month of the Military Child

April is "The Month of the Military Child" so the CDC (child development center) had tons of special activities planned.

There was a bike-a-thon, a spaghetti dinner night, an art auction and many more.

That giraffe on a bike is Brent :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Planning a Birthday

The time is fast approaching, my little Roo will be 5 !

I can't believe it, time flies when you have kids. My little baby is gonna be a big girl starting school this year, sad and exciting all at the same time.

Little Roo has never had a "real" birthday party. It's always been adults with a few kids and a cake. This year I'm actually throwing her a PARTY, complete with favors, candy, games and lots of fun. I figured I'd save my money for her 5th birthday since there is a possibility she could actually remember it!

When I asked her what kind of birthday party she wanted I was expecting "hello kitty or Barbie" nope she wants a horse themed party. Gosh, she really is my daughter, lol. Like mother like daughter, so I'm super excitied about "our" horse party.

Now onto cake ideas...........

I think I'm going to have her a pink barnyard themed party. Maybe we will rent some ponies for the kids to ride :) (poor ponies)

Maybe a layered cake with green fondant and a barnyard theme. Here's some ideas I've found on google.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cross Country

It's been awhile since my last post and I have good reason. My mom and left for Kentucky on April 1st. We drove 28 hours back to Marshall County :( It's a long drive! I made some notes of memorable moments while on the journey.

We left around 6 am on Friday the 1st, we decided to take I-40 through AZ,NM,TX,OK,AR,TN and then I-57 through MO, IL and finally KY. Pew, I'm tired just from writing all the states. With all that time I learned a few things. There are more Dairy Queen's in New Mexico and Texas than all states combined, I believe. No matter what exit you pass in those two states there is a sign for a DQ. My guess is everyone hates the drive and ice cream makes people happy....????

Just so everyone is clear the iPhone on the AT&T network doesn't work on most of I-40. If your going to have an emergency make sure it's within a few miles of a major city ;) Why do I pay 173 bucks a month for a phone I can't use in half the country? Also, the edge network is about as fast as snail mail, how on earth could I live without 3G ?

I learned my mom has more road rage than I do, she needs a bumper with padding so she can just push people out of the "fast" lane. I honestly thought we might go to jail, lol. Don't drive 55 mph on an interstate where the posted speed limit is 70, especially in the fast lane. I don't know maybe that isn't covered on the divers test out West, thats my only guess.

Our average speed, lol

We passed more than a few "bates motels". Someone explain to me why you would stop at a motel 10 miles from a major city to stay in a place that looks like an episode of criminal minds. Why wouldn't you just drive five more minutes and hit the Best Western? I don't have a clue but I'm not interested in having some guy stare at me through a peep hole or worse. I'll keep driving, thanks :)

I would equate the car ride to that of a covered wagon, it was so loaded down we had no "travel" the shocks are ruined I'm certain. While thinking of how the car rode I actually started thinking about the poor souls who came out West in covered wagons. What was wrong with those people? No wonder I feel like people on the West Coast are crazier than those on the East, obviously they had to be, otherwise why would you leave a perfectly good piece of land for the desert. My vote is insanity, thats why the good, kind, sane folk reside East of the Mississippi :)

Mom and I found ourselves a lovely establishment for a pit-stop. Waffle House, and not just any Waffle House, I think it was the first to be built. I apparently lack the skills necessary for opening those tiny coffee creamers, somehow mine exploded and you'd think I shot my mom with a gun. She gasped and said "what was that" with this dumfounded look on her face. Honestly I don't know what happened but the creamer was everywhere except my coffee. :(

The awesome Waffle House, complete with orange and brown accents

Mom, after she gathered herself from my explosive coffee creamer

In Texas we saw the largest cross I've ever seen. (Well I've seen it about 6 times from driving cross country)

Oklahoma Sunrise

Where the green grass grows.......

When we were only an hour from home we discovered the bridge from Sikeston MO to Wickliff KY was closed. You'd think they'd put the "bridge closed" sign at the beginning of the road instead of the entrance to the bridge......nope I drove for 20 minutes down a two lane road to discover I had to turn around and go through Cairo, IL. For those local folks you know the reason I didn't want to drive through Cairo, for everyone else I'll post pictures for you to see. My suggestion to to MO road department, put the sign at the beginning of the road, that'd be a big help.

Inviting downtown Cairo