So I've been to the doctor 100's of times, with what seem to be random symptoms of just feeling like a Mack Truck hit me. Every single time I get a different answer. Here is a rundown of what I've been told.
-Ulcerative Colitis
-Acid Reflux
Thats just what I can remember. Well I've been doing my own research and thankfully one of my bestfriends is a nurse practicioner, she offered this idea to me, I could have a gluten allergy. Based upon my research I've considered this as well, it's very hard to diagnosis.
It's been 3 days and I've had NOTHING with gluten in it, I feel amazing! My tummy isn't in knots, I don't feel bloated, I'm not tired, I don't wake up and go to bed with a headache. Again it's only been three days, I can't imagine who wonderful I will feel in a month.
I'm also very lucky to have such a wonderful husband, he's going gluten free as well, just to make my job as the chef a little easier :) I think we'll be a healthier family. Granted I'm not excited about giving up some of my favorite foods and resturants but I'll do whatever to feel this good. Brent also orderd me "gluten-free for dummies" a book to help me on my journey.
I've already learned so much, gluten is in almost everything. Just because it doesn't say "gluten" on the ingredients doesn't mean it's not in there. I've learned so many other things mean gluten. I'll make a list and post them later.
Today Katelyn and I checked out the Commissary on base, there is ONE section in the store with gluten free products. The biggest problem is baking, I'll have to find what works best. Soy flour or one of the many other varrieties for people with celiacs disease. I've read the breads made without gluten are horrible, so I figure I'll use corn tortillas if I need a sammie.
Here is my biggerst concern, what am I going to eat on this cross country drive back to KY ? I've googled fast food resturants that have gluten-free products, and the pickings are slim folks. Did you know salad dressings contain gluten. Looks like I'll have to pack my own and order plain salads from McD's.
Wish me luck !
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