
Monday, August 13, 2012

19 Weeks

We are already almost half way there! I have been on a sort of scavenger hunt/adventure to find a doctor who will support my birth plan. It hasn't been easy but I think we've finally found the right one. After having a C-section with Katelyn (6) I knew I never wanted another one unless it was absolutely medically necessary. I wish I had been mature enough to understand the seriousness of inventions and birth and the slippery slope one goes down when they enter the hospital to deliver their little bundles of joy. Now armed with a wealth of information and surrounded by supportive friends and family I know that even with twins I can accomplishing my dream birth. I want to hold by babies immediately after they are born, to feel that connection, to gaze into their eyes and to nurse them, all things I was robbed of with my first birth. VBAC's are growing in popularity and research evidence supports their safety, however finding a doctor to support you is almost impossible. Midwives have long been advocates for VBAC's and natural birth, but doctors on the other hand haven't been as supportive. Also hospitals and their rules and regulations interfere with VBAC's. Here in Las Vegas there is only one doctor in the valley who will attend VBAC's and hospital water births, thank goodness for him, otherwise we moms would be at the mercy of every other OB who schedules repeat C-sections. Sometimes I just want to scream "I am not broken" ! Currently we see a high risk doctor who is nothing short of amazing and he is more compassionate than any man I've met, but he to wants me to schedule a repeat c-section, just pick a day in the 37th week......Who can do that ? I can't, I want my babies to come when they are ready, not on the day I randomly pick!

Pregnancy Notes:
Cravings Eggs and salty foods, nothing sweet

Maternity Clothes Oh yes, I haven't seen my size 3 jeans in months. Thanks to great friends I have a super cute wardrobe of hand-me downs.

Baby Movement About two weeks go I started feeling little movements and now Brent can even feel movement, just not all the time, and you have to pay close attention

MilestonesTwo weeks ago we found out baby A is a Boy and baby B is a girl

NamesPoor kids still don't have names, we can't decide

Sleeping I've officially reached that stage of ZERO tummy sleeping, and I'm already not enjoying bedtime

Pain Horrible SI joint pain, I sit on my ball and rock and beg people to rub my back

ContractionsNon yet, and lets keep it that way!

Thoughts about babies The only thing I really think about at the moment is the actual birth, I'm consumed with thoughts about it. I read everything I can about natural birth, I read blogs, I talk to other moms. Poor Brent can't enter a room without me talking about birth.

Fears That I end up with a traumatic birth experience again

Childbirth Education We have our first Bradley Method class tonight with a great friend as our teacher, we are super excited. I'm so thankful to share this experience with her, and can't wait to learn everything she knows.

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