
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pink High Heels and Late Nights

It's true what they say, baby boys steal their moms hearts. There's just something about that those big brown eyes, long eyelashes and cute smile that makes my heart skip a beat. He's the cutest baby boy ever, in my book.

He's also my little weak lunged premie that makes me worry anytime he catches cold. Since he was my bade with the most difficulty breathing at birth, and stayed on oxygen the longest he makes me worry the most. Tonight I kept him out of his crib and with me, to count his respirations. I knew he was working a tiny bit harder than usual since he came down with this cold and to air on the side of caution I thought it best to cuddle with mommy.  It's moments like this I wouldn't trade for all the money in the world, all the gold in Fort Knox. 

Dawson is a snuggle bug, when he's tired he pulls my face toward his with his tiny hand, it's his way of asking for a kiss. I kiss his forehead and slightly pull away, he grabs my face and pulls me in again. It can go on for a few minutes, he's the sweetest. He'll also grab your hand and put it gently in his, or across his tummy. He's a lover that boy, and I know one day he's going to be a serious heart breaker. Look out ladies!

Baths were completed in the sink tonight, Brent pulled a super late night and two babies in the bath is a lot. I took the easy way out, one babe at a time in the sink. 

We followed baths up with a little dress up, apparently Dawson likes pink high heels more than his sisters.

Bus Stop Pickup

Despite feeling under the weather from whatever nasty germs acquired at the gym daycare, we went for a walk to the park and to pick up big sister from the bus stop.  

 A serious drawback of Issaquah and Seattle in general, the insanely large, steep hills! I'm always worried the kids are going to face plant as the walk/run down to the house from the bus stop. I usually run behind them holding the hoods of their jackets, I really don't want to see skinned up faces and broken teeth. I push the kids up the giant hill twice a day in the BOB double. Talk about a killer calf work out! Well somethings working because hubby commented the other day, "wow your legs
 are huge" You try pushing 50 lbs of little people (a baby doll, pink elephant, blankets) and a giant stroller up that massive hill twice a day, it'll do it :)

The Grocery Store

A simple trip to Trader Joe's with twins can turn into an epic nightmare in seconds. What should've been an easy trip to grab some carrots, celery and onion for chicken noodle soup turned into 20-30 min melt down. One baby on the ground, one throwing mini pumpkins and an 8 year old saying "mom" "mom" "mom" while 25 people stared at me. It's really hard to be in two places at once, one baby on the ground in the middle of the check out lane, and the other 6 feet away in a pile of pumpkins throwing them. Which one do you get first? The one throwing things or the one plopped on the floor blocking the check out lane for everyone in line behind you?   It's the million dollar question, what to do first. Which fire do you put out first ?

I honestly felt like a cartoon, I was riding a tricycle and the wheels were spinning off in opposite directions. 

Two things I learned, never under any circumstance let them push those "customer in training" mini carts. Two tiny beings with carts is one baby too many. Create a plan with your 8 year old before you get out of the car, the plan should go something like this: "You take one, I take the other" it's that simple. Otherwise you have an 8 year old running around the store picking up stuff yelling "mom can we get this?" while a child with a mini cart runs behind her.

We made it out alive, in one piece, and with only a handful of scoffs. I successfully made chicken noodle soup, which no one ate, the twins dumped it on the floor and ate crackers. You win some, you loose some. The entire point of homemade soup was for them feeling under the weather. OH WELL ;)

Some adorable pictures of sick babies before the Trader Joe's experience. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Weekly Grind Update

The weekly grind recap :)

What's not to love about a coffee shop with a doggie, train table and kids chairs ? We adore Issaquah Coffee, a local privately owned jewel in the heart of our little town. Big comfy couches, chairs for the kiddos, scrumptious scones (we like the cherry one) and to die for coffee. I'm a girl who likes her sugar with some coffee, at this place I only used one tiny sugar in the raw packet and it's the perfect cup of joe. I could develop a serious bad habit. 

Instead of developing an expensive coffee habit I renewed my Gold's Gym membership and hit body pump with my gal pal this week. Pew, I'm out of shape and this body is screaming! I'm just happy to be back at the gym, I miss my swim class and instructor in Vegas but I'm being forced to try new things. So far body pump is awesome! I somehow managed to complete 45 minutes on the elliptical today after body pump yesterday, feeling confident !

Too funny, Dawson saw me talking on the phone and apparently thinks bunny's bum will provide a call to "dadda" 

we forgot our raincoats and of course it rained like crazy waiting for big sissy to get off the bus. One minute no rain, the next your soaked.........we are learning 

Sushi............pointing to what she wants.......

the face and tantrum that followed me saying "no, we are all done"

Playroom art station  (bad idea for 2 year olds, the table and walls had markers on them after 5 seconds)

It's slowly coming along 

Fun in Seattle

Last weekend we decided to pack up the kiddos and head to the pier for some seafood and to visit the aquarium. We totally lucked out and were handed free tickets as we waited in line. Score! Instead of 60 bucks for a visit it was FREE :) 

Dawson was most intrigued by the octopus, we couldn't pull him away from the tank. Addie just enjoyed walking around without someone holding her hand, I think Katelyn could've stayed for days. It's hard to know what she was most interested in because after 5 seconds of looking into a tank she was on to the next thing. I was pretty impressed with the touch tank, it was gigantic and all the kids were able to touch starfish, sea cucumbers and other sea squishy's.  We tried to see the otters but since it was Sea Otter Awareness month everyone was pressed against the glass watching a diver feed them. Instead we saw a cute little seal that swam in circles and the kids giggled each time "he" passed by. 

I really should've taken a picture of our car once we packed everyone in, the nice little parking troll ticked us and 97 other cars parked by the aquarium for being parked "head in" instead of "head out"  There was no sign! That little ticket cost us 57 dollars plus the 20 I paid for our parking space. Seriously? Glad we had those free tickets...........parking in Seattle=NO FUN. 

We had to be "those" people