
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Grocery Store

A simple trip to Trader Joe's with twins can turn into an epic nightmare in seconds. What should've been an easy trip to grab some carrots, celery and onion for chicken noodle soup turned into 20-30 min melt down. One baby on the ground, one throwing mini pumpkins and an 8 year old saying "mom" "mom" "mom" while 25 people stared at me. It's really hard to be in two places at once, one baby on the ground in the middle of the check out lane, and the other 6 feet away in a pile of pumpkins throwing them. Which one do you get first? The one throwing things or the one plopped on the floor blocking the check out lane for everyone in line behind you?   It's the million dollar question, what to do first. Which fire do you put out first ?

I honestly felt like a cartoon, I was riding a tricycle and the wheels were spinning off in opposite directions. 

Two things I learned, never under any circumstance let them push those "customer in training" mini carts. Two tiny beings with carts is one baby too many. Create a plan with your 8 year old before you get out of the car, the plan should go something like this: "You take one, I take the other" it's that simple. Otherwise you have an 8 year old running around the store picking up stuff yelling "mom can we get this?" while a child with a mini cart runs behind her.

We made it out alive, in one piece, and with only a handful of scoffs. I successfully made chicken noodle soup, which no one ate, the twins dumped it on the floor and ate crackers. You win some, you loose some. The entire point of homemade soup was for them feeling under the weather. OH WELL ;)

Some adorable pictures of sick babies before the Trader Joe's experience. 

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